Untitled Planets

The “Untitled Planet” series is a visual exploration of unity and diversity within the cosmos, using the recurring form of a sphere as a central motif. Each artwork features a single sphere, symbolizing a plane within us—a reflection of the singular life we all experience, yet filled with immense complexity and multitude. These spheres, while sharing the same fundamental shape, evolve into unique and distinct entities, much like how our individual experiences and environments shape us within the one life we live.

The dynamic backgrounds evoke the boundless and mysterious space in which these planets—and by extension, ourselves—exist, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things. Through these works, I invite viewers to reflect on the shared essence of existence and to recognize the infinite possibilities and layers within the singular life we all inhabit.

This series celebrates the unity within diversity, illustrating how, even within the constraints of a single form or life, there is boundless potential for individuality and complexity.


Organic Emergence Series